Sunday, November 25, 2012

Homily - 11/25/12

Homily given on 11/25/12 by Fr. Robert Rankin on the 26th Sunday after Pentecost and the Leave Taking of the Entrance of Theotokos In the Temple.  Fr. Rankin reflects on the past Thanksgiving holiday and what it means to truly be grateful in our lives.

Homily - 11/25/12

Gospel - 11/25/12

Byzantine Catholic Gospel reading for the 26th Sunday after Pentecost on 11/25/12.

Gospel - 11/25/12

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Adult Education - 11/18/12

Fr. Rankin expanded on the Gospel of the Rich Fool in an educational talk to the adults of the parish.  Fr. Rankin spoke on how humans are made up of body, soul and spirit and how that is a reflection on the Trinity.

Reflection on Parable of Rich Fool - 11/18/12

Homily - 11/18/12

Homily given on the 25th Sunday after Pentecost on 11/18/12.  In his homily, Fr. Rankin reflects on the Gospel reading and the man storing his earthly treasure, while his life will be demanded of him that night.  Fr. Rankin spoke of how anytime we put something before God, be it earthly treasure or sin, we are a fool.

Homily - 11/18/12

Gospel - 11-18-12

Byzantine Catholic Gospel reading for the 25th Sunday after Pentecost - 11/18/12.  The Gospel reading involves Jesus talking about the man storing up treasures on earth when his life will be demanded of him that night.

Gospel - 11/18/12

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gospel & Homily - 11/11/12

Due to technical difficulties, the Byzantine Gospel reading & weekly homily are not available this week.  They will return next week.